
Protect the peace
This is our Main Goal

We, the “Mother’s Tears” company, consider it necessary to create a large memorial complex on the territory of Georgia, as a place of memory for present generations about the events of the last century that changed the course of world history. The “Mother’s Tears” memorial is a powerful and long-term guarantor of the unforgettableness of those values that modern Europe and the entire civilized world live by. This is not only a symbolic, but also a deeply pragmatic act, because the memorial complex of global significance will be one of the mechanisms of continuity for many future generations. From generation to generation, the values of freedom and democracy, the freedom of the individual and the understanding of the price at which they went to the world, will be revived again and again in those who make a pilgrimage to the Mother’s Tears memorial, as a place of historical memory of the fallen soldiers of the Second World War.

"Adobe of Heroes", that's what we want
to call the park that will be built
in the outskirts of Tbilisi

What we Do

Our Statistics

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People we helped in 2022
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Money we raised
Trees we planted


Our organization has repeatedly voiced its position on fundamental ethical issues relating to any armed conflict as such. One of our main theses on this issue is that we are deeply convinced that the soldiers who perform their military duty to their countries and carry out the orders of the command, are only partially responsible for the consequences of the war. Moreover, the share of their responsibility is incomparably less than the share of the political leadership of a given country participating in the conflict. In order to emphasize our position not in words, but in deeds, our foundation is implementing one of its projects – a digital database that will record all acts of humanism and selflessness shown by German soldiers during the Second World War, as well as soldiers of other countries that were allies of the Third Reich. This database will reflect the deeds of people who managed to save their human face, despite the fact that they were forced to follow the orders of war criminals.

Appeal to the International Community

Dear friends!

We have to be contemporaries of extremely dramatic, perhaps the most dramatic events in the history of the Earth. The world is on the verge of a catastrophe, both civilizational and environmental. There is not a single region of the world left that would not be affected by the current cataclysms – wars, the threat of the use of nuclear weapons, epidemics, natural disasters. Right now, more than ever, global civilization needs examples of humanism and the unity of the bright, progressive forces of all humanity.

It is for this purpose that the Mother’s Tears charitable foundation is implementing a project to build a network of memorials “Abode of Heroes” both throughout Georgia and in the future throughout the world. The duty of every democratic country is to support and fully facilitate the implementation of this project, designed to become the banner of world peace, global political and environmental security.

We invite you, friends, to become part of the ‘Abode of Heroes’ project! It is impossible to stand aside at this moment in history, because the fate of future generations is at stake!